Friday, August 27, 2010

Stupid Summer, Stupid Heat

These 3 am tummy time sessions that my son is making a habit of are getting a bit out of hand. I'm going to have to figure out a way to curb them.

Have I mentioned lately just how much I absolutely detest living in the south? I find it so utterly difficult to resign myself to the fact that I will mostly be living in some area of the south for the next 15 years while Matt finishes out his Army career. I am simply not bred for humidity. So I've spent the entire summer inside. I actually think I'm more pale now than I ever was during the winter.

I miss my 6 weeks of Washington summer. Where it never really gets above 80 and there is always a steady breeze.

Now we're heading into fall and I really hope its filled with those southern thunder storms. They really are the only thing about living down here that I truly love. Rain at least is a little part of home that I can still enjoy.

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