Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sleeping Routine?

I'm on day 11 of a 14 day stretch and boy am I feeling it.

I've been thinking that its time to start getting a bedtime routine for Logan. He's just about 2 months old now and should start sleeping through the night before too long and he needs to have a routine to help him learn to put himself to sleep. As it is now he will only go down to bed if I rock him and pat his back for close to an hour before I even attempt to put him into his crib.

I'm just not sure what a proper routine should be. He is still at the point where he doesn't need a bath everyday, but it does relax him and help him sleep. Also, whats an appropriate time to put a baby down for bed? He falls asleep around 9 or 10 usually and Matt just puts him in the pack and play. Then he wakes up around midnight for a feeding and then Matt puts him in his crib because thats about the time he goes to bed too. So I guess we'll start putting him in the crib at that 9 time? much to figure out and I have no idea where to begin lol!

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